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Mind Over Matter.

Mind over matter.

We’ve all heard this phrase. And we’re all familiar with the notion that if you just work hard—that if you just have the right mindset—you can overcome any obstacle and become rich.

I’m here to tell you that that’s simply not true. Now, before you object, let me explain why. I’m in no way demeaning the value of hard work or saying that it gets you nowhere. That’s a different story.

So let’s not get sidetracked.

What I am saying is that your willpower is not as strong as your environment. This can be easily proven. If you are in a negative situation or somewhere where you can’t get a lot of work done, you likely won’t ever become rich. Making money takes the right environment.

Let’s look at a specific example. Say you are starting your online business, and you are working hard to really get the company off the ground. You’ve had some success, but there’s one thorn in your side… your roommate. You’ve lived with your roommate for over a decade, and you hate to push him away, but his lazy, “let’s have fun” attitude is constantly getting in the way of your work. Sure, you have the willpower and the mentality to do his work, but your environment makes it incredibly hard to do it.

This is what I mean when I say that environment trumps willpower. Simply put, your environment has the ability to kill your will—and if that’s what you rely on, you are left alone.

Therefore, in order to have true financial success, you need to create an environment that is good for you. Clean your house and set it in order. Find your alone time. Keep with you anything that gives you motivation.

In the end, you will find that this productive environment is much more useful than “willpower.” You will see that—in many cases—mind over matter is just a myth. Your wealth and your happiness both stem from your environment, and if you can’t set that straight, you will not be able to make serious money.

So get out and change what you can!

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