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Expect It!

Expect it!

Would you rather hope somethings comes true or do everything in your power to make sure that it does?

The answer to this may be more complex than you initially expect. The reason is simple.

You may say you want something, but how badly do you really want it?

Can you really say you want to be rich if you aren’t taking the proper steps to make money?

And I mean every step.

Think about the successful people you’ve met and seen. All of these individuals never miss an opportunity to make money.

They never miss an investment. They never abandon chances to protect themselves from financial threats.

This is the total opposite of, let’s say, an armchair millionaire who sits at home all day wishing for money.

This may sound harsh, but the reality is that you cannot make money without effort.

The good news? You CAN be a millionaire—just not through positive thinking.

I don’t care what your millionaire guru says.

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