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How Does One Get Out Of The Rut?

How does one get out of the rut?

You’ve felt it before, haven’t you? The routine, the monotony, the sinking feeling of being stuck on a loop that you can’t get out of! It’s a problem becoming more and more prevalent in our lives, and everyone wants a solution to the problem.

First off, just think about that for a moment. Out of all the creatures in the world, we’re the only ones who feel compelled to break away from the one thing we feel comfortable with, maybe because it’s too comfortable, but nevertheless, no other animal will break free from that instinct, all except for us. That’s what drives us to greatness, what encourages us to make history nearly every single day, good or bad. We are truly unique in that regard, and you should feel good about that, because that’s what it means to be human.

What do you do after making this revelation though? Honestly, that is entirely up to you to decide, because no one solution is right for everyone.

It doesn’t matter what you do. Travel the world, travel out of town, fall in love, fall in your pool with your clothes on” it really doesn’t matter. Whatever works for you is what you should do. As long as it breaks you out of the toxic feeling of being stuck, of being trapped in this cycle of repetition, then it’ll be good for your overall mental health. Now I’m not saying go out and commit a crime just to spice up your life. Hurting others shouldn’t be an acceptable outcome for you just because you try to justify it in the name of doing something different. It doesn’t have to be constructive, but so long as it isn’t destructive to someone’s property or their personal well being, then it should be okay.

Once you start doing this you’ll likely begin noticing your body and mind subtly trying to get you back into the rhythm of things. Now this isn’t the time to start thinking you are already failing in your attempts to break free, because it’s not. We are creatures of habit, it’s in our DNA to get into a habit, even incorporating that new thing we’re doing into the habit so it doesn’t seem so uncomfortable anymore. This is going to be a constant battle with your body, because it is always going to want to feel safe, so it is most certainly going to try and put you back into a habit whenever you stop thinking about it. You can win this battle, but it requires a lot of effort and a lot of courage, especially since you’ll have to get out of your comfort zone to do so.

Breaking free won’t happen overnight. It’s going to take time, effort, and the will to forgive yourself if and when you stumble. At times it’ll feel difficult to get the energy to do something different, you’ll start making up excuses or downplaying how being in this frame of mind makes you feel. Whenever you get this feeling, know that it isn’t because you can’t do it, it’s because you are thinking too big for your own good and aren’t applying my earlier advice of doing what’s best for you.

You are only setting yourself up for failure if you arbitrarily put up impossible goals to reach for.

Going up Mount Everest isn’t something to do on a whim, and you know that. It’s not scary to say you’re going out to do something you know you won’t do anyway. What’s really scary is talking to a stranger, or learning a new skill or even trying a different food. That is you don’t want to do, and that is what really makes you afraid.

The thing about that is though, is that everyone is afraid of trying something new. To try something new means you cannot know what the outcome is, putting you in the unknown and leaving you vulnerable. If you want to protect yourself then that’s okay, but do not do it by hiding behind the same daily routine, so afraid that you might get hurt you would rather become stagnant.

I hope that in some way this article helps you to overcome the control a monotonous life has on you. We live in a world of endless possibilities, so you shouldn’t limit yours by doing the same thing over and over again. Go out there in the world and see just what it is you’re missing, one step at a time.

For those of you who have taken this journey and gained some stories along the way, please post them in the comments for everyone to read. Nothing would make my day more than reading all the incredible ways you folks have broken through your rut and tried something different. You’ll be surprised what others might have done, both big and small, in order to feel the spice of life invigorated in them once more. So go on, take a chance and see where it might lead you on your path.

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