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Top 7 Things That Most Of The Poor People Do And Rich Don’t!

Top 7 Things That Most Of The Poor People Do And Rich Don’t!

Everyone wants to be rich.

This is an undeniable reality of the world. Wealth brings comfort, power, and influence, while poverty brings nothing but suffering. How do people end up at these two extremes of the spectrum?

In other words, how come some people are rich and some people aren’t? Why do some people live in comfort while others live in back-breaking misery?

The answer is pretty simple. And no, I’m not talking about luck. I’m talking about a difference of lifestyle that manifests itself in a variety of ways that influence productivity and wealth creation. If you are living paycheck to paycheck or are struggling to make ends meet, I’ve got a message for you.

You can change your life.

And it may actually be even simpler than you think. Here, let me explain. The best way to make money is to live the way people who make money live. This means discarding bad habits that threaten to kill your productivity. It means a total switch of lifestyle.

So are you ready to learn? With this list of the top seven things poor people do that rich people don’t, you’ll be able to take the next step to living a wealthier lifestyle.

1. Get Paid Based off Time

We all know the drill: you arrive to work, clock in, work all day, and then clock out.

This cycle is repeated like clockwork for decades, but what’s the effect?

If you are like most people, you go home after this to rest and relax. After all, you need your energy to give it your all again tomorrow at work.

Unfortunately, while this does indicate a good work ethic on your part, it doesn’t equal smart strategy. One of the main differences between rich people and poor people is that poor people get paid off time.

When was the last time you saw a wealthy person clocking in and out?

The truth is, rich people are paid off results. They are paid by returns on their investments. They are paid by their ability to close high-end sales and bring more revenue to both them and their businesses.

If you ever want to stop struggling, you need to embrace this mindset as well. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should go out and immediately quit your job, but it does mean that you should build yourself and your business to the point that you can. You need to recognize the value of your time and labor and work yourself to the level where you are paid by results, not time.

2. Focus on Saving

Here’s another one. Poor people focus on saving money. They think that if they can just save the right amount over time, they will be rich.

This is right and wrong. Yes, you can save enough to have a good and comfortable retirement. You won’t be hurting, for sure.

But you also likely won’t be rich. If you are looking to live lavishly, you must do what the rich people do and focus on investments.

The difference between investments and savings? One helps you make money in your sleep.

3. Blame Others When Something Goes Wrong

The poor man is never at fault. If something goes wrong, it’s always because of what someone else did. For example, you are not the reason you are poor. The government is. Or big business. Or that ninth-generation Italian curse that’s been placed on your family.

Anyone, you know, but you.

Rich people, on the other hand, understand that they make mistakes and take responsibility for them. This helps them maintain control and pays off in the long run.

4. Think Money is the Root of All Evil

For many people, this is a convenient excuse. If money is evil, you don’t need to be rich. You don’t even need to be comfortable. You can stay in your current situation, struggling.

Unfortunately, this mindset will only keep you down. No one is attracted to something they believe is evil. This means that you need to switch your mindset. You need to think like rich people and understand that poverty is evil. Poverty is what holds people back and keeps them down. Train yourself to think this way and watch your results.

5. Watch TV

It doesn’t have to be TV. It could be playing on the computer or spending too much time on your iPad.

The point is this: poor people waste time. And lots of it. If you ever want to be rich, you need to understand that time is money. The two are directly related (if not always equivalent). This means that you should be spending your time working and focusing on ways to make money.

Are you rich yet? If not, why are you watching TV?

6. Think Lottery Style

How many times have you thought that it would be nice to win the lottery?

Chances are, quite a number of times. And that’s normal. Most people think that if they can do this, all their problems will be solved.

The problem with this, though, is that this is a lottery mindset. This is a “I won’t be rich unless I get lucky” mindset that works against hard work and the true effort it takes to become rich. Instead, you should be like rich people and think work and investments.

The chances of success this way are much higher.

7. Think They Know It All

You’ve met the type. They live in a trailer, but they think they know everything.

That’s not a dig at people who live in trailers—not at all. It’s simply saying that you should know when to admit that you have things to learn. Rich people do this all the time. If you are not constantly questioning yourself and the situations around you, you will never get the information necessary to grow and make real money.

So don’t be opinionated. Be full of questions. Ask others for advice.

Only in this way will you ever gain the resources you need to truly be rich.

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