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Mindsets That Will Keep You Poor

Mindsets That Will Keep You Poor

Do you know what the most important part to getting rich is?

It’s not saving. It’s not investments.

It’s not even having a high-income skill.

Though some of these are certainly important, they won’t mean much if you don’t have the most important factor of all:

The right mindset.

The number one reason why you’re poor is simply because you have the wrong attitude and beliefs about money.
It’s that simple.

But changing how you think can be one of the most difficult parts of the money-making process.

If you’re looking to start making real money, it’s time that you adapt a millionaire mindset.

And in order to do that, start changing these four commonly-held beliefs about yourself.

It’s Impossible to …

How many times have you said this one?

“Oh, I know that this worked for others, but it won’t work for me because of xyz?”

Fill in the blank with the excuse of your choice.

“Because I don’t have the right capital to invest.”

“Because I don’t know the right people.”

At the end of the day, these are just excuses. And they’re excuses that will keep you down and keep you poor.
If you want to get rich, you’re going to need to have a “can-do” attitude. If others have done it, it’s possible for you, too.

If others haven’t done it, you’ll make it work for you.

In this way, you’ll be better able to seize on the opportunities that are available to you to start making real money.

I’m Doing All I can Do …

If you feel as if you’re doing all that you can do but aren’t getting anywhere, it’s obvious that you’re not actually doing what you should be doing.

This can be tricky, though. Sometimes you’ll have a moderate amount of success, and it’s easy to get roped into believing that you’ve maxed out your potential.

For example, making $100,000 a year isn’t bad money It’s pretty decent—a nice middle class salary.
But is it rich?


If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re always going to be looking for more. How can you turn this $100,000 a year into an investment that will have you making seven figures?

Don’t get too easily satisfied.

Because here’s a secret: rich people never are.

If you truly want to get rich, you’ll have to be chasing every opportunity available to you.

I’ll Get to It Later

This is one of the most detrimental things you can say if you’re looking to get rich.

But be honest: how many of you have said it before?

I know I have.

But not anymore.

One day, I wizened up and realized that I would never go anywhere if I didn’t start to take my life more seriously.
If you can get something done today, do it today.

If it can be done now, do it now. Not at eight o’clock. Not at seven.

Right now.

Saving Money Is Paramount

This misconception is one of the most understandable, but that doesn’t make it any less wrong.

All too often, we’ll hear from TV and other outlets that saving money is the most important thing you can do if you’re looking to get rich.

And that’s simply not true.

If you listen to any real rich person, you’ll know that getting wealthy is about value creation. It’s about investments.

It’s about spending a little money to make a lot in the long term.

By keeping the four tips in mind, you can start changing the way you think about money and start putting more money in your bank account.

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