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Does It Really Work?

Does it really work?

You hear this catchphrase all the time: “the power of positive thinking.”

Or how about this one: “If you believe in something hard enough, the universe will manifest it to you.”

These notions may sound silly, but the truth is that they have become so ingrained in our culture that they are almost inescapable these days. Before you watch the video,  make sure you subscribe the channel and hit that bell icon for the quick notifications of each video I post daily!

Thousands of people are being locked into scams that say the only thing they need to do to make money is to believe that they can.

It may go without saying, but this is NOT true. Stop for a moment and ask yourself this: how many times did dinner cook itself just because you were hungry? How many times did the car fill itself up just because you were low on gas?

So why do they expect people to believe that they will become rich just because they are poor? Let me tell you a secret: nobody ever got rich just by wishing it to be so.

The real “secret” to making money is fashioning a new mindset—not a mindset that says, “it will happen because I believe so,” but one that says, “It will happen because I can make it so.”

This means that the path to becoming a millionaire isn’t pathed with positive thoughts. Instead, it is built on the back of a consistent future-thinking behavior that creates opportunities for advancement and financial gain.

Think about it this way: you have the opportunity to make an important investment for your future. You know that there are risks involved, but from what you know, the financial gains would greatly outweigh these risks if everything went right… and you have the skills to make it go right.

So what do you do? Do you sit around and “wish” that the investment pays off?

Of course not. You use the skills you have built over the course of your lifetime to direct the investment to a positive outcome for you.

That is what becoming rich is all about. If you have a mindset that sees and welcomes opportunity in the face of challenge, you will be rich.

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